Associate Professor | University of Copenhagen | Department of Economics


The Intended and Unintended Effects of Promoting Labor Market Mobility (2023), Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming  (with M. Caliendo & S. Künn)

The Disparate Effects of Information Provision: A Field Experiment on the Work Incentives of Social Welfare (2023), Journal of Public Economics226, 104987 (with S. Cairo)

Side Effects of Labor Market Policies (2023), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 125(2), 339–375, 2023 (with M. Caliendo, G. van den Berg and J. Vikström)

The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed (2017), Journal of Public Economics, 148, 136-151 (with M. Caliendo and S. Künn)

Unobservable, but Unimportant? The Relevance of Usually Unobserved Variables for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies (2017), Labour Economics, 46, 14-25 (with M. Caliendo and O. Mitnik)

The Gender Wage Gap and the Role of Reservation Wages: New Evidence for Unemployed Workers (2017), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 136, 161-173 (with M. Caliendo and W.-S. Lee)

Home-Ownership, Unemployed’s Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Outcomes (2015), Economics Letters, 137, 218-221 (with M. Caliendo and A. Gielen)